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Auto Insurance Terms & Definitions




  • Bodily Injury Liability pays for your legal responsibility should you cause bodily injury to another person while operating your vehicle. This coverage does not pay for your medical expenses.


  • Property Damage Liability pays for your legal responsibility should you cause property damage while operating your vehicle. This coverage does not pay for repairs to your own vehicle.

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  • Comprehensive Coverage helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged by a covered loss caused by weather events, theft, vandalism, fire, or other similar events.

  • Collision Coverage helps pay to repair or replace your car if you're in a covered accident that involves other vehicles or stationary objects.

  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage pays for bodily injury and, in certain states property damage, sustained by you and other passengers in your covered vehicle when the person that is legally liable for the accident does not have auto liability insurance or cannot be identified. In some states, it also includes coverage for damages caused by at-fault drivers who have insufficient insurance to pay your claim.


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